A place where limitations disappear.
Without physical limitations, we can run faster, fight better, jump higher, and even fly! There is little else that offers such freedom. As our souls experience time differently in dreams, we can come back to our bodies with important information that may predetermine or even heal the future. To dream is to find death because the physical body is a thin veil.
By improving our understanding of death through dreaming, we can reduce or even eradicate the fear that surrounds it and become less intimidated by the unknown. We can use effective dream practices to retain an enduring connection with the dead well after they leave their physical body.

The Art of Dreaming
Rarely do we think of dreaming as art yet it is as creative and inspiring, informative and healing as any sculpture, painting, story, or song. In fact, dreaming can encompass all of these and more. You may believe you don’t dream or think others’ dreams are so much ‘better’ than yours but don’t underestimate your own power to dream. With practice, we can better remember and recognize the important stories of our dreams. Using the techniques taught by Robert Moss, I can help you explore this fascinating connector between the worlds.
Drop-In Monthly Circles
Fireside Dream Stories
A monthly drop-in circle hosted on Zoom to support people who are new to the experience and are interested in deepening their understanding of dreams or active dreamers who wish to engage meaningfully with a dreaming community.
All in attendance are encouraged (but not required) to share a dream experience guided by the Lightning Dream technique (Robert Moss) and to witness how this and other techniques amplify our experiences in a relaxed, low-pressure environment. As a part of each gathering, we will explore a journey together and see how it expands and enhances our dreaming. Participants are invited to engage as much or as little as is comfortable to determine one’s own pace towards deeper work.
Circles will be available on Eventbrite when dates are confirmed and are offered on a PWYC basis.
Dreaming in the Ether
A four week online series available to anyone who has attended the Fireside Dream Stories monthly circle or has engaged through other service offerings. These focused gatherings use themed exercises alongside Lightning Dreamwork (Robert Moss) to enliven one’s dream experience. The series supports people who wish to engage deeper with their dreams and learn specific techniques that can strengthen their personal dream practice.
Each session in the series runs two hours in length for a cost of $480.00. A minimum of six participants is required.
In-Person Dream Intensive
Dreaming in the Dirt
A two day in-person course that will be available to anyone who has attended one or more installments of the virtual series, Dreaming in the Ether. This experience offers anyone with a greater curiosity the opportunity to explore themes from the virtual series in a more refined way through proven shamanic dream techniques. Participants will be guided through unique journeys that expand on earlier learnings and, as always, dream sharing focused on the theme via Lightning Dreamwork (Robert Moss) will be woven throughout each session.
Cost and location TBD.
Yes! There are several dream techniques that can be practiced to re-establish our connection to dreaming and enhance our retention.
Of course! Dreaming benefits everyone regardless of the intention. Dream circles are accessible for all and will support us in whatever our focus may be at the time.
Frightening experiences while dreaming are often unresolved issues trying to get our attention. Through dream techniques, we can develop the courage and skill to face the issues as they come into focus thereby improving our waking experience.
Death and the Dreamer
As I lay dreaming…
I have had and remembered vivid dreams from a very young age and still I go through dream droughts. With trust and willingness, dreams will always reveal themselves again. Dream practices enliven and strengthen dreaming in the way exercise does our bodies. I have found that engagement with the larger dream community, through dream circles and trainings, enriches both my waking and dream experiences.
Together, we can enrich the dream community.
Not bound to a physical location, dreaming allows people from around the world to share and explore together.