Healing and curing have different intentions.
I see healing as a matter of degrees - a many layered process - whereas, curing is more finite. If one is ‘cured’ they are assumed to be free of ailment from a medical perspective however, one can be healing and still experience some symptoms whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
To me, healing focuses on bringing harmony and that doesn’t always mean a specific condition disappears. The healing is in our ability to accept and manage things that may still be uncomfortable. It means that our ‘way of being’ in illness or times of difficulty changes.

The Art of Healing
The impact of a breakup left me struggling for years to infuse passion back into my life. I believed that without art - sculpture, painting, theatre, dance - I had lost my creativity. Beginning with yoga teacher training courses, I discovered there was an incredible creative force in healing. Whether preparing a yoga class, drumming and rattling for a journey, or finding a perfect moment of stillness in meditation, artistry has been woven into healing practices throughout history and continues even today.
Reiki can be offered in person or from a distance. Reiki can also be offered in combination with other practices, like Restorative yoga, or as an exclusive experience. I provide Reiki Ryoho treatment in my home space for sixty minute sessions upon request. Each session includes hands on treatment lasting roughly forty-five minutes with time for questions and some discussion before and after.
Sessions are available as follows:
Single in person sessions $70.00 each; $80.00 home visits
Enkaku (distance) sessions $40.00 each
A series of 4 in person sessions (for 4 consecutive weeks) $240.00
A package of 4 in person sessions and 4 Enkaku (distance) sessions (for 4 consecutive weeks) $350.00.
In some circumstances, sessions may be arranged in the client’s home at a slightly higher rate. Distance sessions, known as Enkaku, last roughly thirty minutes.
For anyone who is providing care to a loved one, experiencing illness, or dying, a guided meditation practice can be nurturing and enhance healing. It is particularly beneficial to caregivers who may not be taking time for themselves and focusing their attention outside of their care responsibilities
Each session runs roughly 15 – 20 minutes and is offered on a PWYC basis.
Physical poses, or asana, is only one aspect of Yoga and need not be a barrier to one’s ability to experience the benefits of the practice. Whether Hatha, Yin, or Restorative, meditating, chanting, or pranayama (breating), Yoga offers a pathway to healing that is finally gaining recognition in the West.
Private sessions are available upon request. In the first session, we determine frequency, practices that support needs and work towards the agreed upon goals. Reiki can be combined with any Restorative or Yin asana for a slightly higher fee.
One-on-One Session $70.00; including Reiki $80.00
Personalized group sessions may be scheduled upon request. Rate will be determined based on numbers and location.
Healing Journey
Connecting with guidance through journeying and dream techniques offers a wealth of healing information and opportunity. In the traditions of Shamanism, healing treatments can be provided either from a distance or in person dependent upon preference and comfort. A practice that can be completed on its own or in tandem with other supportive services.
A single session is offered at $40.00 or $25.00 when added to another service.
Reiki is a Japanese term for pure energy from both the heavens and earth. The practice of Reiki Ryoho, hands-on healing, channels this energy and provides what is needed by the recipient. The lineage I practice is Komyo ReikiDo (Hyakuten Inamoto) and has been described by Usui Sensei as, “a unique and original art of healing based on the healing power of the universe”. Whether a practitioner - a type of conduit for healing - places hands on or allows them to hover, the recipient receives healing unique to them.
There are many misunderstandings about what meditation is and yet, there is no doubt of its benefits. We may struggle to find space in our day to take 15 or 20 minutes to sit quietly or to focus our attention with any number of distractions around us however that is the precise reason we will benefit. Because meditation is a practice, it is like anything else - when we do it repeatedly - over time we get better at it. Thankfully, due to the many approaches and forms of meditation, we have plenty of opportunity to explore and find a good fit.
It is often misunderstood that yoga asana is only for the flexible but that is not correct. Tension in the body, in part, acts as a protective mechanism that keeps us from overextending our joints and causing injury. Flexibility may come in time but the depth one gets into any pose is unique to them. One’s practice should not be compared to others seen in class or on the cover of The Yoga Journal.
Stories Shared with the Trees
A lesson in suffering…
One of the most impactful teachings I experienced is the acceptance of all things as temporary. We are all aware of how fleeting a joyful experience can seem yet we assume pain to carry on. Pain is often magnified and lengthened because of suffering however, suffering is a choice. Pain too is fleeting unless we make the choice to suffer. When I was able to accept that, my relationship to pain - physical, emotional, spiritual - altered drastically. With the sudden awareness that the terrible mood or the ache in my back would not last, I was better able to handle the sensations as they continued rather than distract myself or numb them.
Together, we can collaborate on your healing strategy.
Whether your interest is in finding stillness or moving your body, I am ready to discuss ways that I can support you in your next steps.